Sunday, February 5, 2017

More about me...

     So, tonight I decided that I would tell you guys a little bit more about me. I feel like if you are going to be reading these posts, you might as well know who is behind the screen. If you read my last post, you already know that I was born in St. Johns Newfoundland, Canada. I moved to the United States when I was two, so my only memories of the small island is the annual visits we take to visit family. I grew up in Latham, New York, which is a few hours from the city. It was in New York that I learned how to swim competitively and got my Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. I had a lot of good friends and I have a lot of awesome memories, so I will call my childhood a win.
     When we moved here to Missouri, I had a slight hiccup. When I was thirteen, I started eighth grade here thinking it was going to be an adventure and a lot of fun. Nope. Lots of bullies, grades dropping, the whole works. It pretty much went down hill for me all the way up through high school. After high school graduation, I was in hospital with a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder on watch for self harm and suicidal ideations.
         Now, you might be thinking: Why is this crazy girl telling us all of this? Isn't this too personal? Well, I am telling you because it is an important part of my life I do not like to hide. I want people to know that it is ok to talk about things. That normal, healthy conversation about mental illness is not scary, but helpful. I am a huge advocate for mental health, so I will never be afraid to bring up my own history and encourage others to not be afraid. I started college right after high school graduation, so on top of getting used to Lindenwood I was dealing with medications, therapy, and my own demons. It was hard for a while. But one day a friend of mine sent me a link about how one of the counselors on Campus wanted to start a chapter of Active Minds. Active Minds is a wonderful organization that I have dedicated many years to. It is a non profit organization that works to decreasing stigma of mental health on college campuses and in the surrounding communities. I am proud to say I am one of the founders of the Lindenwood Chapter, along with being the President of the organization, and the chapter is still going strong today after my graduation.
     So. Yes, I am on mediation still. No, I am not ashamed. And nobody else should either. If you ever wanna talk, shoot me a text or email! Unless I am asleep I am always available. :) Stay Awesome!

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